College True Life Tgp

Teacher Self-Care 101

A teacher’s day, while thought to be over when their students exit their classroom, isn’t actually over until much later. Many teachers will stay in their classrooms even after their students leave, perhaps developing a lesson plan for the following day or grading assignments completed on the current day. It may not even end there, as these same teachers may return home to reply to e-mails from concerned parents about their child’s performance in their class. The day of a teacher may seem ending, which is why it’s important to squeeze in some time for themselves when they can. All work and no play, or rather self-care, can result in the mental and physical health of teachers to collapse. What is a meaningful method of self-care, though? Every teacher is unique in that some methods may work for some, but not for others. Identifying what works for you is important, so to learn more about the methods many teachers are currently practicing, please see the resource featured alongside this post.

Teacher Self-Care 101

Teacher Self-Care 101, a resource created by Curriculum Associates; an organization offering educators and their students diagnostic testing assessments.

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