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5 Of The Best Ways To Revise Last Minute For Your Exams

Students tend to leave their studies for the very last minute, right before the exam. Some dedicated students study throughout the year and leave only revision for the few days before the exam. But the others tend to waste time throughout the year and cram during the last days. The last couple of days before exams are generally stressful, irrespective of whether you study every day or just the day before the exam.

  • Ask for Help

It is almost always a good idea to ask for help whenever you need it. Struggling on your own is not going to benefit anyone. There are various apps that clear doubts asked by students in case they are unable to ask their teachers. Asking questions is essential while you study, and receiving answers to them is even more crucial. Clear your physics or biology doubts as you go instead of moving forward without paying them any attention or ignoring them.

  • Work Smart, Not Hard

Operating smart means finding ways of studying faster in a short period but also retaining that knowledge. Generally, summary notes, quizzes and puzzles are a great way to learn quickly and understand the concepts. The content will be easier to review in small chunks, and the experience will be similar to playing a game. Listening to podcasts is another way of smart studying where you only have to listen carefully. Watch youtube videos and help yourself comprehend the material better. You can use a chemistry or physics doubts app to get a better grasp of the topic.

  • Make Targets For Yourself

Review how much time you will need for every subject to revise and study. Depending on that, set your targets for the day and work your way through that. Reward yourself for completing each target. Take a break when you feel overwhelmed, and then come back for the next study session. Short bursts of active revision are much better than long periods of continuous revision. It saves your time and makes it more fun to revise. Mark your exam dates on the calendar and plan backwards as you approach it. A personal planner is of great help when you plan your study schedule.

  • Revise Summaries

It is a good idea to read over summaries of each concept and use tools such as mind-maps or one-page bullet point summaries. Doing that is a great way to review the topic and check your understanding. Checking how many of the past exam questions you can answer is also a great way to both; check your level of understanding and reassure yourself that you have studied well and can answer the previous years’ exam questions.

  • Avoid Stress as well as Distractions

While cramming or revising for your exams, distractions are the last thing you need. You need to make sure your entire focus is on what you are studying and not on your phone or laptop. You can clear your PCMB doubts from your tutors instead of your friends, to not waste time. Stress, ideally, is a great way to motivate you to prepare for your exams. But unfortunately, too much of everything is not a good idea. Too much stress will only work as a distraction for your studies.

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